Tuesday, November 20, 2007

cd drive is not showing in my computer

Then follow these directions for clearing the Upper/Lower Filters: (might want to print this out)

  1. Click on Start --> Run --> and type in 'regedit' followed by the enter key
  2. Expand the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" key (looks like a folder) by double clicking it (or clicking the "+" next to it.)
  3. Expand the "SYSTEM" Key
  4. Expand the "CurrentControlSet" Key
  5. Expand the "Control" Key
  6. Expand the "Class" Key
  7. Please look for a key containing the following string of letters and numbers:
    {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}the parts highlighted are the parts most likely to be different.
  8. High light this key by left clicking once on it
  9. On the right hand side you are looking for "UpperFilters" and "LowerFilters" under the "Name" column, once you find these please delete them by right clicking on them and choosing "delete" Note: you may only find one or the other delete it anyway.
  10. Please exit the registry by clicking on the "X" in the top right hand corner of the Regedit window.
  11. Go back to the "Device manager" highlight "Computer" them click on the "Scan for Hardware Changes" button

Automatic Updates options is disabled

When you open the Automatic Updates tab in My Computer Property or from Control Panel, all of the Automatic Updates configuration options may be grayed out. This happens due to any of the following reasons:

  1. You're not logged on as Administrator (or equivalent)

  2. Automatic Updates Policy is enabled

  3. Automatic Updates (and Windows Update) access is blocked via Group Policy


To make the Automatic Updates options configurable by the user (only for stand-alone systems), remove the restrictions 2 & 3 above.

  • Click Start, Run and type REGEDIT.EXE

  • Navigate to this location:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Windows \ WindowsUpdate \ AU

  • In the right-pane, delete the two values AUOptions and NoAutoUpdate

  • Navigate to this location:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ WindowsUpdate

  • In the right-pane, delete the value DisableWindowsUpdateAccess

Using the Group Policy Editor - for Windows XP Professional

  • Click Start, Run and type gpedit.msc

  • Navigate to the following location:

Computer Configuration
Administrative Templates
Windows Components
Windows Update

  • In the right-pane, double-click Configure Automatic Updates and set it to Not Configured

  • Then, navigate to this location:

User Configuration
Administrative Templates
Windows Components
Windows Update

  • In the right-pane, set Remove access to all Windows Update features to Not Configured